Union Minister of Commerce and Industry has assured immediate intervention on pressing issues of Coffee Growers

Kisansabha leaders and Members of Parliament, Jitendra Choudhury and KK Ragesh with Minister C& I Mr Suresh Prabhu

Mr Suresh Prabhu, Union Minister for commerce and Industry will convene a meeting of officers of coffee board, the ministry and leaders of small coffee growers subcommittee affiliated to AIKS at the earliest at New Delhi. This assurance was given to AIKS leaders and Members of Parliament Jitendra Choudhury and KK Ragesh who have submitted a memorandum to the Minister at New Delhi on behalf of Coffee Growers.

Highly volatile World market is the most important factor that goes against the interests of small growers. Studies show that only 10% of the value of the fine consumer products goes back to primary producersโ€™ world over.  At present the average price of coffee beans is Rs 120 to 140 per kg for Robusta and Rs 180 to Rs 200 per kg for Arabica while the price of one kilo instant coffee powder in the range of  Rs.1500 to Rs. 8000. 

99% land holding among coffee growers come under small holder category with below 10 hectares and less. These small holdings occupy around 75% of the area under coffee and contribute around 70% of the countryโ€™s production.

An All India Convention of coffee growers was held at Bangalore on 22nd October, 2018, urged Government of India to support social cooperatives of coffee growers to establish and own large scale modern Instant Coffee industry. 65% of the coffee produced World over is converted as instant coffee powder. Few big companies namely BRU, Nestle, Hindustan Lever and Tata have monopoly over instant coffee market in India.

Coffee Board should promote Co-operatives of coffee growers to trade their products in both domestic and World markets and the central/State Governments support these co- operatives financially instead of allowing 100% FDI in agriculture and retail trade and contract farming.

The convention also demanded to ensure environmental sustainability of coffee cultivation, including adaptation to and mitigation of the effects of climate change. Promote tree plantation in the coffee area

Released by

P Krishnaprasad, convenor, and Dr Durga Prasad, member of All India Coffee Growers Subcommittee