The Name
The name of the organisation shall be the All India Kisan Sabha (referred to hereinafter as the Sabha).
Note: The Sabha is the mass organisation of the peasants and agricultural and other rural labourers. Agricultural labourers and tribal peasants may organise themselves separately and affiliate their separate organisations to the Sabha at the District, State or All India level. The question of affiliation and the affiliation fee of such organisations shall be decided by the corresponding units of the Kisan Sabha concerned.
Aims and Objects
The aims and objects of the Sabha are:
- Abolition of landlordism and distribution of land to agricultural labourers and poor peasants free of cost.
- Ending of exploitation by Indian monopolists and foreign capital.
- Liquidation of usurious debts.
- Improvement of the living standard, working conditions and cultural level of the rural masses and development of agriculture and industry.
- Democratisation the State structure to vest power in the people.
- Struggle against colonialism and neo-colonialism and against war and for peace.
The Flag
The Flag of the Sabha shall be the Red Flag with the hammer and sickle in white inscribed on it, the length of the Flag being one and a half times its breadth and the letters AIKS shall he vertically inscribed in white at the left side of the flag from above to below. It may be inscribed also in regional script.

The Sabha shall consist of the following units:
- Primary Kisan Sabha;
- District Kisan Sabha;
- State or Regional Kisan Sabha;
- Affiliated organisations;
- Affiliated Crop-wise Federations;
- Conference of the All India Kisan Sabha. Intermediate units if necessary may be the formed as decided by the State Committee.
- Any Kisan of at least 16 years of age, who accepts the aims and objects of the Sabha and is willing to abide by its discipline, can, on payment of an annual membership fee, which shall be Rs. 2 (Rs. Two) become a member of the Sabha.(A Kisan includes a peasant, and agricultural labourer, any other rural labourer and also a member of the tribal people).
- A Kisan Committee can admit any person who wants to work in the Kisan Sabha organisation and applies for membership in term of section I.
- No one shall enroll himself as a member at more than one place.
- No one who has not enrolled himself as a member of the Sabha by the date of enrollment fixed by the Central Kisan Committee can participate in any election of the Sabha.
When a kisan organisation in State or Region, where there is no State or Regional Kisan unit affiliated to the All India Kisan Sabha, wants to be affiliated to the Sabha, it may be affiliated on the following conditions.:
- The application for affiliation shall reach the Sabha’s office along with particulars regarding itself, with a solemn declaration on the part of that organisation to abide by the aims and objects, discipline and Constitution of the Sabha.
- The Central Kisan Committee shall scrutinise such application and decide upon it.
- On the acceptance of such an application by the Central Kisan Committee (CKC) the applicant organisation shall pay thirty (30) paise in 2022-23, forty paise in 2023-24, and fifty paise in 2024-25 and afterwards.
- Affiliation can be granted at any time of the year.
- The All India Kisan Conference shall be composed of not more than 1000 delegates. Every State or Regional Kisan Sabha Shall have representation in the All India Kisan Conference. The quota of delegates from each State or Regional Kisan Sabha shall be fixed by the CKC taking into consideration its membership, the strength of its movement and proper representation for all States, subject to a minimum of five delegates for each State or Regional Units.
- Any member of the Sabha shall be eligible for election as a delegate to the Conference of the All India Kisan Sabha, but he shall not exercise his right as a delegate until he has paid delegation fee as decided by the Central Kisan Committee.
The Conference of the Sabha
- The Conference of the All India Kisan Sabha shall be held normally once in three years. But in special circumstances, it can be convened at a shorter interval by the Central Kisan Committee.
- The Conference of the All India Kisan Sabha shall comprise of the delegates elected for the Conference.
- Members of the Central Kisan Committee shall be exofficio delegates.
- A list of the duly elected delegates, along with their delegation fees payable to the Central Office shall be sent to the General Secretary of the Sabha immediately after their election.
- The Central Kisan Committee shall fix dates and the venue of the All India Conference as well as the last date for the election of the delegates and in due course notify them to the State or Regional Kisan Sabhas.
- The Committee shall make necessary preparation for the Conference.
- The Sahba shall have a President to be elected in the following manner:—The President of the AIKS shall be elected directly by the delegates in the concluding session of the Conference.
- a. The business of the Conference shall be to discuss and take decision on (i) the General secretary’s report to the Conference on the activities and organisation of the Sabha during the period after the preceding Conference; (ii) resolutions; (iii) a statement of accounts; (iv) amendments to the Constitution if any; (v) election of the All India Kisan Council and Central Kisan Committee and its Office-Bearers.
- Every delegate shall have the right to propose any new item and amend or oppose anything placed on the agenda of the Conference.
- All resolutions and decisions adopted by the Conference shall be binding on all units of the Sabha.
- A steering Committee may be formed to conduct the business of the Conference.
- Notice of a resolution to be moved at the Conference must reach the Central Kisan Committee office at least 14 days before the Conference.
- The Central Kisan Committee shall, upon a requisition addressed to it by one-third of the State or Regional Kisan Sabha for a specific purpose, hold a special conference of the Sabha. The time and venue of the special conference shall be fixed by the Committee.
- The State or Regional Kisan Committee of the State or Region where the Conference is to be held shall make all arrangements for holding the Conference and may for that purpose constitute a Reception Committee having among its members persons who are not members of the Sabha.
- The Reception Committee of a Conference shall pay 25 per cent of the net saving of the office of the Sabha, the remainder being made over to the State or Regional organisation concerned.
- All decisions of the Conference shall be made by a simple majority of votes. But questions relating to the national and international political situation shall be decided upon by at least at three-fourth majority.
The All India Kisan Council
- All India Kisan Council shall be elected at every conference of the All India Kisan Sabha. The numbers of members of All India Kisan Council will be fixed by the conference.
- The All India Kisan Council shall meet immediately after the conference in order to elect its office-bearers, who shall be, besides the President, Vice-Presidents, General Secretary, Secretary (Finance) and Joint Secretaries.
- The All India Kisan Council shall also elect the members of the Central Kisan Committee whose number will be fixed by the conference and whose office-bearers will be the same as those of the Council.
- The election of the Vice-Presidents, the General Secretary (Finance) and the Joint Secretaries, and of the other members of the committee shall be held, each category as a separate bloc.
- The old Council shall continue to function until a new Council is elected.
- The resignation of any member of the Council or any of its office bearers other than the President shall be submitted to the President and may be accepted by the Council. The vacancy caused thereby may also be filled by the Council by cooption.
- If the President resigns, he shall send his resignation to the General Secretary for placing it before the Council for decision. The Council may accept the resignation and elect one of the Vice- Presidents as President.
- The office-bearers shall function as a committee of the Central Kisan Committee during the period between two meetings of the All India Kisan Council.
- A meeting of the All India Kisan Council may be convened by the General Secretary in consultation with the President by a notice of 15 clear days after its posting to each member separately.
- The All India Kisan Council shall meet at least once in an year besides the meeting held immediately after the conference. One-third of the members shall form the quorum of the Council.
The Central Kisan Committee
- The Central Kisan Committee is the organ of the All India Kisan Sabha vested with powers to carry into effect the policy and programme of Sabha, to frame rules, to interpret the Constitution and to attend to all matters, to carry on the activities of the Sabha and the Council during the period between two meetings of the All India Kisan Council.
- A meeting of the Central Kisan Committee may be convened by the General Secretary in consultation with the President.
- It shall also be called when at least one-third of the members send in a requisition for a specific purpose but other items of business may also be placed on the agenda with the permission of the President.
- One-third of the members shall form the quorum of the Committee.
- The rules applied to the case of the All India Kisan Council shall generally apply to the case of the Committee also.
The Central Kisan Committee
- The Central Kisan Committee is the organ of the All India Kisan Sabha vested with powers to carry into effect the policy and programme of Sabha, to frame rules, to interpret the Constitution and to attend to all matters, to carry on the activities of the Sabha and the Council during the period between two meetings of the All India Kisan Council.
- A meeting of the Central Kisan Committee may be convened by the General Secretary in consultation with the President.
- It shall also be called when at least one-third of the members send in a requisition for a specific purpose but other items of business may also be placed on the agenda with the permission of the President.
- One-third of the members shall form the quorum of the Committee.
- The rules applied to the case of the All India Kisan Council shall generally apply to the case of the Committee also.
Settlement of Disputes
The Central Kisan Committee is vested with the highest and final authority in the matter of redressing grievances of a subordinate unit and settling disputes between two or more such units and also receiving and settling all appeals made by a unit of the Sabha against any order or decision of a State or Regional Kisan in connection with a dispute.
- All decisions of the Sabha shall form the basis of and generally guide the work of its constituent units.
- Any unit of the Sabha or any of its individual members who engages in activities harmful to the cause of the Sabha and brings down the Sabha in the estimation of the people shall be liable to disciplinary action.
- Disciplinary action may be taken by a District Unit of the Sabha but by no other unit lower than that. In that case, an appeal shall lie to the State or Regional Kisan Sabha concerned whose decision shall be final. Such disciplinary action may also be taken by a State or Regional unit of the Sabha and if its decision is challenged, an appeal shall lie to the Central Kisan Committee whose decision shall be final.
Framing of Rules
The Central Kisan Committee is authorised to frame rules when necessary, not in contravention of any article of the Constitution, for the purpose of maintaining the discipline of the Sabha, for the guidance of the State or Regional or other units of the Sabha, and for the proper conduct of elections, settlement of disputes, procedures of the Credentials committees, and other matters relating to the provision of the Constitution or decision of the Sabha.
The Office
The Central Kisan Committee shall have a regular office which will be the Central Office of the Sabha, regularly run it and duly keep registers, books and accounts and be in custody of all necessary documents and papers and other property of the Sabha. The General Secretary shall ordinarily be in charge of the Central Office.
- A regular statement of accounts of the Sabha duly audited by one or more persons appointed by the Committee shall be submitted to its Conference.
Provided that the Conference may make an exemption only in special circumstances.
- Funds of the Central Kisan Committee exceeding Rs. 500 (Rupees five hundred) are to be deposited in a Rank in the manner specified by a decision of the Committee.
Amendment to the Constitution
The amendment to the Constitution of the Sabha can be made only at the All India Conference provided that a notice is given to the Committee to this effect at least three months before the Conference or that, failing such notice, the Conference grants special permission.
In the case of an emergency situation when the normal functioning of the Sabha in the whole country or particular part or parts there of, is considered impossible, the Central Kisan Committee is authorized to take suitable and necessary decisions and measures for carrying on the activities of the Sabha which are not provided in the Constitution of the Sabha.