Stop Misleading People on HLWG Report on Western Ghats

Withdraw Office Memo on HLWG Report Dated 20th December, 2013

The All India Kisan Sabha strongly condemns the Office Memorandum (OM) of Ministry Environment and Forest (M0EF) dated 20th December 2013 reiterating its earlier order to operationalise the recommendations of High Level Working Group (HLWG) Report and issue notification declaring the identified region of the Western Ghats as an Ecologically Sensitive Area along the lines accepted by the Ministry. It still restricts the land use in 37 percent of Western Ghat region ignoring the protests by the peasantry and the local residents of the Western Ghats region. The AIKS demands that the Prime Minister intervene immediately for withdrawal of the OM of MoEF on HLWG Report as well as stop the implementation of the HLWG Recommendations.

The MOEF, its Minister and a section of the media are continuously misleading the people that this renewed office memorandum has incorporated all the demands raised by the peasantry and their organisations and now there is no point in opposing either the Office Memorandum or the HLWG Report.

But the new OM clearly states that the Ministry has accepted the definition of the extent of the Western Ghats and the Ecologically Sensitive Area (ESA) -approximately 37 % of the Western Ghats- as identified and delineated by the HLWG. The OM only allows that after the notification of ESA by the M0EF, the state governments “may suggest modifications based up on physical verifications” and considering that the MoEF may “fine tune” the boundary of the ESA.

The main objections raised by the AIKS regarding the land use in HLWG report is not removed or clarified in the new OM.

  1. The ban on conversion of government land into private land, which will ban allocation of patta for the peasants.
  2. The ban on conversion of any agricultural land for non agricultural purpose – except when extension of existing village settlement areas to accommodate increase in population of local residents will ban any construction including cattle shed, hospital, library or school.
  3. The complete ban on chemical fertilizers within certain period without viable alternatives being provided will not allow any scientific and balanced use of fertilisers. It could negatively affect agricultural production and income of peasant families.

The OM, Para 4 states clearly that no land use that has been specifically prohibited/restricted in the ESA will be allowed. The guidelines in WGEEP Report (volume 1, page 41, 42) states that change in land use is not permitted from forest to non- forest uses or agricultural to non-agricultural, except agricultural to forest (or tree crops) except when extension of existing village settlement areas to accommodate increase in population of local residents. The HLWG report has not made any change or amendment in this clause. This most crucial recommendation has created anxiety among the local population.

Instead of giving clarifications on these crucial issues, the new OM reiterates the earlier positions and only says that the restrictions by the HLWG report is not newly incorporated but was existing in the laws. The notification only gives an explanation of the administrative procedures of the final notification and the Government has not conceded anything newly in the OM. In such a circumstance it is very clear that there will not be any substantial change in the notified areas as recommended by the HLWG and the effort here is only to mute the protests of the State Governments and the people and pacify them considering the forthcoming Lok Sabha Elections.

AIKS demands that the Prime Minister should immediately intervene to halt the move by M0EF to operationalise HLWG recommendations and restrict the activities of the peasantry and people in the region. We reiterate our demand to make a fresh panel consisting of representatives of peasantry and the all other sections of the people and various political parties to discuss with the peasant organizations and all others concerned. A Comprehensive Plan for Protection of Fragile Ecosystems and Livelihoods must be drawn up based on a democratic exercise. All anti-peasant, anti-people recommendations in both WGEEP and HLWG Reports must be dropped and a holistic approach and plan of action to protect the Western Ghats should be taken up. Effective steps have to be taken to reassure the millions of people that their livelihood security will be ensured and genuine developmental activities in their habitats will be promoted while protecting their environment.

AIKS calls upon the peasantry and people of the affected States to expose the Congress-led UPA Government’s lies and intensify struggles against the undemocratic imposition of the HLWG Report.


Amra Ram, President
Hannan Mollah, General Secretary